Class with Coelho

Read. Write. Think. Repeat.


I Need Boxes!!!!

For 2nd quarter extra credit, bring me a box for the holiday food drive. 25 points a box. 100 points max. but I appreciate goodwill. I also need help decorating the boxes for those of you with nothing to do on Friday.



I will not be accepting emailed work. So if you have an issue or question about your grade or an assignment for first quarter, you need to see me tomorrow about it.


B- Day: Update for Tuesday class

We will be finishing the Miss Brill discussion tomorrow in class.

Please make sure you have your textbook with you. For a portion of the class we will be working on thesis statement revisions.


Quiz Makeups

Reminder! It is your responsibility to ensure that you make up any missed quiz due to an excused absence.  This should be done by the first class you return. Delay can result in a permanent zero for the assessment.


And the Winners are…

Congrats to the winners! You can pick up your book Thursday morning before 1st period or before 2nd period. Please don’t interrupt the class during those periods.

  1. Cori Lucas
  2. Beverly Anaele
  3. Terri Browner
  4. Jeremiah Oghafua
  6. Michael Shannon
  7. Andrew Hylton
  8. jennifer.ntembe
  9. Almas Ayaz
  10. Mary Ayorinde
  11. Sabrinia hill-williams
  12. Nancy Sankoh
  13. Selene Stewart
  14. Jyir Bonham
  15. Maximilien DeLeon


B-Day: Thesis Revisions

“A Rose for Emily” and “A Story of an Hour” thesis revisions are due Wednesday.


Thesis Revisions

Revise your “Soldier’s Home” thesis statement.

Due Thursday – A Day

Due Friday – B Day


Homework: Miss Brill reading

Read “Miss Brill” by Katherine Mansfield, pg. 317 and complete a minimum of 5 entries in your Dialectical Journal. Also read Theme, pg. 304-307


“Miss Brill” Thesis Prompt

Write a thesis statement for the following prompt: 
Often in literature, a character experiences an unkind remark, a slight, or a literal or figurative wound from which he or she never completely recovers. What event occurs in “Miss Brill” that changes the main character, and what might be the long-term consequences of this event?
Due Thursday – A Day
Due Friday – B Day


AP: Searching for “Miss Brill”…

"Old Woman on Bench" is a part of the Seattle Public Art project

“Old Woman on Bench” is a part of the Seattle Public Art project


Words to Know: Miss Brill Quiz

We are going to try something different for your final quiz of Boot Camp. Study the following words in addition to your regular annotation of the story:

Ermine- the valuable fur of weasels having a white winter coat

Toque- a brimless, close-fitting woman’s hat

eiderdown, rogue, rotunda, cupboards, gravely, resolute, eccentric, delusional, melancholy, unstable, malicious, paradox, irony, hyperbole, metonymy, oxymoron, metaphor, antique, porcelain, condescending, cynical, subjective


“The Lady with the Pet Dog” and “Clothes” Writing Prompts

1. “Clothes”: Write an intro paragraph for the following prompt:
Often, a character in literature is affected by a death that becomes the redefining moment in the character’s life. What characterizes Sumita’s life before the tragedy of her husband’s death, and how is her life altered and influenced by that tragedy?
Underline your thesis statement.
2.”The Lady with the Pet Dog”: Write an intro paragraph for the following prompt:
Write a introductory paragraph addressing the function of point of view in “The Lady with the Pet Dog.” Explain how it affects the reader’s perception on Russian marriage and divorce.
Underline your thesis statement.
Due Wednesday – 1B
Due Tuesday – 1A, 2A


“The Story of an Hour” Thesis Prompt

Examine the protagonist’s attitude about the death of her husband. How is this attitude revealed and how does it contribute to the meaning of the story?


College and Career Workshop- Tomorrow During PSAT

Seniors interested in attending the College and Career Workshop should register using the following link:

The workshop will be held during the PSAT, tomorrow, Oct. 15. Students who plan to attend are requested to join the following Edmodo support group.


Boot Camp Homework

1. “Soldier’s Home” Thesis- Write a thesis statement addressing the following prompt:

In many novels and short stories, the protagonist  is an antihero who is disillusioned, ineffective, and alienated, characteristics that are the opposite of the traditional hero. In an essay, identify the attributes of Harold Krebs that make him an archetypical antihero and explain how his character is particularly representative of a war generation. 
We have two groups presenting next class! Special Note: 1B and 4B will be signing senior contracts on Monday, so the Clothes group should be prepared to present either Monday or Wednesday next week.  
2. Read both versions of “The Lady with the Pet Dog” and complete a minimum of 5 entries (total) in your Dialectical Journal. Also read the “Point of View” essay in the textbook. (Note: The group will present on only the Russian author’s story, but we will discuss both of the stories during the discussion.)
3. Read “Clothes” by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and complete a minimum of 5 entries in your Dialectical Journal. Also read Symbolism, pg. 270-273.
Due Thursday- A Day
Due Monday- B Day
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